Sunday, July 5, 2015

Desire and Deserve -----《150629》-----

I kept my desire to be in bliss; not seen the star to see deserving and destiny
Tomorrow is unknown; gathered hope wrote in my fate book to shape life
You are a leader when you keep your head raised even when all blame you
You are trust worthy not when you create that feel in all; but trust yourself
You have patience not when others tell this; but you enjoy waiting untiring

Your truthfulness is not the count of lies; what and what made you to do so
You are wise when in hatred you talk nice without giving way to hating
You can dream and that makes your master thoughtful; you set examples
Make your aim high and don't think of it but think for it; you achieve it right
You are spiritual; if blissful always and feel unchanged in triumph and fall

You are wise not on count of wins; but start everyday afresh forgetting past
You want to reach the crown; win the crowd with talk, crown will reach you
Walk with shoulder up and bend for common; all will love and serve you
You the man in you is quite and Loving with leadership is made for serving

Deserve a celebrity death is not life
But living an unnoticed life is death


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